Although not exactly designs but there is just a crap load of ideas,I'd appreciate it if anyone is willing enough to make designs for them.(copy pasted it from my past thread so there is possibility of redundancy)
Golden Gate:Two opposing cities connected by a bridge as long as the one in yama and has cover from the sides(like the one in yama).the bridge is slightly elavates towards the center to avoid fire from campers near the spawn(it is also the location of the center beacon which cannot be captured from below).The home beacons are located near the spawn but the side beacons are at each side of the map and those beacons are covered from a cargo ship like the one in PP.The side beacons can provide cover from enemy camper fire and allied fire can be done to pesky cappers/beacon runners.The main feature of this map is the large bridge and foggy dried up river bed.
War Zone:Two opposing bases and a large building at the middle which contains the center beacon.Around the building are large trenches which is (practically more like a maze) where the robots can freely move and some areas of the treanches has bridges if some choose to go over than under.Main feature are the trenches(the new moon map is very simmilar to my concept of this map)
Highlands:Very large lake and a midevil collapsed castle at the center of the lake and connected by four bridges(with side cover) that forms a cross if viewed above(location of spawn,home beacons,and side beacons).The castle itself is at least the same size as the center of shenzen but with lots of cover and an elavation towards a tower where center beacon is located.Main feature is one can drop on the lake but movement speed is decreased by 25% and no way of climbing up back except going back to spawn(which is a pain in the butt if you decide to walk balk).Main feature is the lake
Under World:Very large mining area where the ceilling is low enough to prevent zenit/noricum rain but high enough for jumpers to jump.Very hard to establish ranged fire support except hydra/spiral/aphid(included aphids cuz one can sit behind cover and just chuck it to someones face little or without return fire).lots of evalations and cover.beacons yet to be determined.Main feature is that being underground.
Death Valley:located in a long deep canyon,it has lots of boulders and elavations and can be used as cover.despite the openess,the sudden drop and rise of elavations desrupts camper fire but there will be vantage points.there are only two spawn areas.
WEAPONS/SHIELDS:(Note:the stats are all max lvl)
(L/M)Anti-Lock-On System(ALOS){WSP}:A light/medium hardpoint system that makes the carrier invisible to lock-on required weapons for a limited time.
duration:10 sec,reload/charge time:15 sec
(H)Magnetic Shield Generator-Aigis(MSG-Aigis){WSP}:A new type of sheild system that generates a very strong magnetic feild that repels all kinds of projectiles for a limited time
duration:10 sec,reload/charge time:20 sec
(H)Elbrus{?}:Able to fire an endless stream of plasma,it is able to heat up a target to the point it would still take damage even after escaping the flames.the plasma would spread and weaken as farther it gets(every 10m,dmg is reduced by 1%)
DPS:2.2k,overheat dmg:500,overheat duration:5 sec,reload time:10sec,capacity:15 sec usage,range:300m
(M)Sticky bomb weapon(unnamed){WSP}:Utilizing an ammunition that sticks itself to anything it collides with,it has a delay fuse and explodes once the timer runs out.Blast radius and damage can depend on how many gets stacked at one point.(1 mine=10m blast,4=25m,8=35m)
RoFps:2,range:350m,reload time:5sec,capacity:20,dmg:2.1k,delay fuse:4sec
(H)Rikoshet{WSP}:A weapon that shoots a disc spinning at extreme speeds and is able to ricochet of walls and hit a target unfortunate enough to get hit by it
RoFps:5,dmg:950,range:400m,capacity:100,reload time:10sec
(H)Vulkan{Au}:Having a burst that of a Taran and endless firing capacity of a Magnum,it can endlessly harass unshielded opponents
capacity:0,dmg:2.3k,reload time:0,range:350m,RoFps:4
(H)HIVE{Au}:Utilizing the rockets that of the Pin,it is more capable of hitting faster targets compared of an orkan or pinata.Despite using Pin rockets,to achieve its current firepower,it sacrifice range for quantity.
capacity:16,dmg:3k,reload time:12 sec,range:30m,RoFps:10
(L)Bloodlust{Ag}:Having a lower caliber and slightly less accurate than the Molot,it is still lethal at ranges 0m-400m because of its fire rate.
RoFps:20,range:800,capacity:400,reload time:12sec, dmg:356
(M)Bloodlust{Ag}:medium version of the Bloodlust
RoFps:30,range:800,capacity:600,reload time:12sec, dmg:416
(L)Jackhammer{Ag}:Despite being the slowest gun,it compensates by having a higher caliber,range,and accuracy compared to a Molot.
RoFps:4,range:900,capacity:100,reload time:12sec, dmg:825
(M)Jackhammer Mk2{Ag}:medium version of the Jackhammer
RoFps:6,range:900,capacity:120,reload time:12sec, dmg:932
(M)SWARM{Au}:Utilizing smart missiles that can break into a cluster of 4 aphid missiles once it reaches 100m away from its target.It is better capable of hitting targets traveling under 45kph compared to its lighter cousin.
capacity:3,dmg:2.2k,reload time:12 sec,range:350m,RoFps:1
(M)Frag Rocket Launcher(unnamed){Ag}:A simple rocket with the same splash as the Pin but still affects enemies from farther away by fragmentation.
dmg:4.1k,frag dmg:500,range:350m,frag radius:50m,RoFps:1,reload time:15sec,capacity:4
(M)Grenade Launcher Weapon(unnamed){Ag}:Sending projectiles at an arc,it can go over obstacles.It adjust it's trajectory accordingly with the terrain and range of target.(splash is that of a Pin)
capacity:5,dmg:4k,reload time:10 sec,range:350m,RoFps:1
(H)Thunderbolt{Au}:A weapon that utilize the same basic mechanics that of a thunder,but instead of shooting pellets,it zaps it's target with bolts of lightning
capacity:5,dmg:10k,reload time:10sec,range:350m,RoFps:1
(L/M/H):Testudo{Ag}:It is able to block any non splash projectiles,Mainly aphids,Hydras,and Spirals.Can be mounted on any hardpoint as long as it is above the bot.
(L)Dushe{Au};Having a similar load-out as the Schultz and the ability that of a Stalker. Its usage is to hit hard and disappear,played like a stalker but much more aggressive. It has the stealth ability making it a threat if left unnoticed especially in close quarters.
Stats; hp:91k,stealth duration:8sec, stealth cool down:16sec, speed:56kph, hardpoints:1 heavy
(L)Tanglang{Au};This is the first(second) light robot to boast the firepower that of a medium plus having a jump ability.
Stats;hp:71k, jump cool down:7 sec, speed:58kp,hardpoints:2 mediums
(M)LóNightingale{Au};Having a nearly identical load-out as the Griffin,this is a bot that possess decent firepower while having a jump drive.
Stats; hp:145k, jump cool down:15 sec, speed:50kph,hardpoints:2 mediums and 1 light
(H)Wugui{Au};It is the first quad legged bot outside of Japan as it would boast as a mobile bunker with decent firepower.(Ancile is always active)
Stats; Ancile shield Hp:150k,Ancile regen:5%per sec,bot Hp:230k, speed:35kph, hardpoints:2 mediums and 2 lights
(L)Wasp{WSP};A light bot utilizing a jump drive and can boost itself forward mid-air with thrusters(direction can be controlled for a few seconds by turning the hull towards desired destination) thus making it capable to quadrupling the distance that of a Cossack can achieve.
Stats;ability cool down:10sec, hp:82k, speed:56kph,armaments:2 lights
(M)Kamikaze{WSP};A robot that generates a pulse that is capable of penetrating all shields and pass through walls and damage anyone within range.
Stats;ability radius:30m,ability cool down:10sec ,ability damage:20k ,speed:45kph ,Hp:150k,armaments:2 mediums
(Derived from the sc「grape」 Kamikaze bot and tested pulse weapon)
(M)Armata{Ag1200k};This bot is a cheap mobile support unit but is very vulnerable to heavier return fire.
Stats;hp:118k,speed:40kph, armaments:2 heavy
(M)Armadillo{WSP};Possessing a built-in Ancile and a physical shield at the front,this upgraded Boa can withstand more brutal attacks and return fire to the enemy with ease.
Stats;Ancile sheild regen:1% per sec,Ancile sheild hp:80k,sheild hp:100k,bot hp:185k, speed:42kph, armaments:1 heavy and medium
(M)Goliath{Au};As its name says,it is a medium that should not be messed with. Possessing no abilities nor shield, It compensates by having a load out that of a heavy with both decent speed and reasonably hp.(basically an upgraded golem)
Stats;hp:147k,speed:45kph,armaments:2 mediums and 1 heavy
(M)Chariot{WSP};A durable bot with a built-in physical shield,it possess the Charge ability which is the same as Assault Mode but only a speed increase of 50%.
Stats; shield hp:160k,bot hp:120k, speed:40kph, armaments:2 medium
(M)Spartan{Ag1200k};Possessing a built-in physical shield,it is able to sheild either the side or front and it also has decent hp but to compensate for this,it sacrificed speed and firepower.
Stats;shield hp:140k,bot hp:126k, speed:40kph, armaments:3 lights(basically a poor man's galahad)
(M)Voin(RUS)(Warrior){WSP};Possessing the same load-out as the Vityaz,it is capable of taking more hits than the Boa and has the rush ability to break through enemy lines with minimal damage.
Stats;armaments:2 light and 1 heavy, hp:197k,rush cool down:20sec,rush duration:10sec,speed:42kph
(M)Panzer(GER){Au};Possessing a built-in physical shield at the front,this is a versatile bot but is vulnerable to direct hits to the main body.
Stats; shield hp:184k,bot hp:125k, speed:45kph,armaments:4 lights
(H)Lowe(GER)(Lion){Ag2000k}:A heavy bot that is very durable and can be a threat if piloted well.
Stats; hp:224k,speed:35kph, armaments:2 heavy
(H)Behemoth(FFA){Au};A monstrous robot possessing heavy short/mid range firepower. It possess no sheild nor ability but compensates for a reasonably hp and speed and high firepower.(Before you read stats,HYDRAS/SWARM SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THIS THING)
Stats;hp:157k,speed:32kph,armaments:4 mediums (basically a fat Patton on steroids)
(H)Orion{WSP};Being a mobile heavy sniper,it has the ability to zoom into it's target for better clarity of the target. When the ability is activated,the robot would slow down by 50% but decrease the reload/charge of all long range type of weapons by 20%.
Stats;hp:162k,speed:35mph, armaments:2 heavy,ability cool down,:6sec
(H)Juggernaut{Au};Able to enter into Assault Mode,it can break through enemy lines and cause havoc. It is capable of all forms of combat but most specialize in brawling. Wielding an Ancile shield and two sheilds that protects two sides and when Assault Mode is activated these two shields become one and protect it from frontal attacks,making it one of the toughest and fastest bots.
Stats;shield Hp:154k x2,bot Hp:189k, Ancile shield Hp:100k,Ancile regen:1%per sec,Assault Mode cool down:3, speed:28kph,hardpoints:two heavies
(Sorry I had to copyright names from WW2 tanks in some of the bots,can any of you name it better,I will be glad to hear.BTW can you name the unnamed weapons/bots?)
I also want some of the weapons to be revived like swarm that I mentioned above