Post by copilotjesus on Feb 27, 2017 18:54:43 GMT -5
Looking for a concensus on whether people prefer Leo or Natasha for players with an undeveloped hangar. I'm specifically looing at Thunder/Punisher loadouts.
Leo: 1x Thunder, 3x Punisher Natasha: 2x Thunder, 2x Punisher
Which is better?
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Post by Deleted on Feb 27, 2017 18:57:39 GMT -5
Leo, but use Pinatas instead of Punishers.
Post by cakeordeath on Feb 27, 2017 19:11:30 GMT -5
Leo is a better brawler. The natty is devastating if it gets the drop on anything but it is a little slower and more fragile.
As Darkangel said, piñatas are a good choice for the light slots. Punishers do pair well with thunders for range and spread but the rockets improve your burst damage and ability to kill shield bots. Magnums are also solid choices.
Post by gr3ygh05t on Feb 27, 2017 19:36:50 GMT -5
Ditto with these guys. Natty is painfully slow. Trident/Pins or Treb/Gekkos are the only setup I'll consider for the Natty
Post by EatStinkyTofu on Feb 27, 2017 21:00:08 GMT -5
Leo kept me playing the game when I was being pushed into tougher matches than I was ready for. At earlier levels of play, the firepower difference between Leo and Nat not a big difference
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Post by tagnal on Feb 27, 2017 21:29:03 GMT -5
In general I agree with what people already mentioned. But strictly for the case of new players in the bottom of the tiers, if you run a Natasha, it is primarily for sniping. You get 2 heavy points for long range weapons. It is also so slow, you won't be going very many places with it. Also, in the bottom tiers, people do not really have shield bots yet. So, if you run one, I'd just use 2 KwKs (Nashorns now?). And since it is used for sniping, molots have the greatest range for the light hardpoints.
So if you want to run the thunder, Leo would be the way to go.
Post by K A Z on Feb 28, 2017 3:26:37 GMT -5
Between nat and leo, I would choose...griffin Only Ag heavy with acceptable mobility. Not as robust as leo but all DB setups pack more punch. I have 2 leos and I use none, as they are slow and the high HP is a questionable compensation for being a slow bullet catcher. Natty changed recently, but I've never tried one; TriPin sounds reasonable though.
Post by frunobulax on Feb 28, 2017 5:33:09 GMT -5
Well, among heavy silver robots and weapons, the RDB Griff (Pin/Tulus) is easily the best mid range setup, and Pinata Thunder Leo is the best brawler. You can do a Nashorn Molot Natasha as long range robot, but it just hasn't the punch I'm looking for, even for a sniper.
Once you get some gold or WSPs, it is a pretty good strategy to go for Orkans (DB Griffin) with your first gold, and Plasma for your first WSPs (Tarans/Magnums). But then may come a time where you have some extra WSPs, and can get a pair of tridents, and suddenly, if you combine them with a pair if Pins you have a great midrange setup for a Natasha.
Post by K A Z on Feb 28, 2017 5:43:18 GMT -5
Well, among heavy silver robots and weapons, the RDB Griff (Pin/Tulus) is easily the best mid range setup, and Pinata Thunder Leo is the best brawler. You can do a Nashorn Molot Natasha as long range robot, but it just hasn't the punch I'm looking for, even for a sniper. Once you get some gold or WSPs, it is a pretty good strategy to go for Orkans (DB Griffin) with your first gold, and Plasma for your first WSPs (Tarans/Magnums). But then may come a time where you have some extra WSPs, and can get a pair of tridents, and suddenly, if you combine them with a pair if Pins you have a great midrange setup for a Natasha. Yesterday I was fooling around in Molot Griff. Lasted entire canyon match. I scored just over 400k damage, made few kills (5 I guess) and took 3rd place lol And that was the poor 5/6/6/6 combination of molots (5 was one of the medium hardpoints!). This setup starts putting holes in reds still above 700m; below that point it's doing better than expected.
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Post by karljackson on Feb 28, 2017 6:02:41 GMT -5
I've had fun pissing off Trident Furys with a Zeus Molot Natasha. ? Surprisingly effective with lvl 10 weapons.
Post by SGT D00M! on Feb 28, 2017 6:12:22 GMT -5
Leo for the set-ups you are thinking about. Consider also using a Tulum/pin Griffin. It will be useful longer. What is your current hangar and Gold and WSP purchases?
Post by SGT D00M! on Feb 28, 2017 6:16:53 GMT -5
Between nat and leo, I would choose...griffin Only Ag heavy with acceptable mobility. Not as robust as leo but all DB setups pack more punch. I have 2 leos and I use none, as they are slow and the high HP is a questionable compensation for being a slow bullet catcher. Natty changed recently, but I've never tried one; TriPin sounds reasonable though. If you are looking for a brawler, the Griffin isn't great until you can purchase Orks and Turans. Clearly the OP is not there yet.
Post by hyderier on Feb 28, 2017 6:26:41 GMT -5
Leo is a bit lacking on damage, but Natasha is just so much lower HP, and so much slower overall, that it isn't even a competition. If you have a real (not imaginary Destrier vs Natasha) choice situatuion between Natasha and something else, get the something else Now Natasha has it's place. For example, when you want to fool around and piss off the blues (and slightly annoy the reds, I guess), get that Zenit Noricum Natasha and let loose! The smoke, the noise, the shaking screen of opponents, what could be better?! Well, doing actual damage and helping your team to win might be better, but besides that?
Post by frunobulax on Feb 28, 2017 7:31:11 GMT -5
Yeah. Molot Griffin is nice on some maps especially if you have many Trident Furys, but that's probably not the league the OP is playing in. One of the reasons I prefer a Zeus Carnage over Trident Fury, resistant to Molots and quick enough to get within 600m.
Post by LITu2 on Feb 28, 2017 10:10:25 GMT -5
I'm really new to all War Robots, I've only been playing for about 4 weeks, so I have a lot to learn. However I have found that what works for others doesn't necessarily work for me. I have a Natasha, Leo, Griffin and a Golem in my hangar and my go to machine for really tough fights in the Natasha. I've put twin Level 6 Thunders and twin Level 5 magnums on it and it is my main silver earner. I have a Level 6 thunder and triple Level 6 Pinatas on the Leo which also works really well but I can attack more successfully with the Nat than the Leo. The Griffin is also good but I don't think it brings in the same points as the Natasha.
Post by ⓣⓡⓘⓒⓚⓨ48 on Feb 28, 2017 10:50:08 GMT -5
The setups spoken of here are deffo good... and yes there are better choices than the Natty.
That said, I have been having very good results with a cobbled together (9)Zeus (9)Pun (8)Natty. Especially against anciled Leos, and carnages, and Griffs. The Puns actually help a lot if you get closed on, paired with 2 Zeuses, it will handle anything that isn't physically shielded. I have been using it about halfway through a match on the long maps, and it has been a blast. Was playing around with aphids in the light spot, to better handle the close in attackers that I was having issues with in the Zeus Carny, and while better on PP and DC, they don't do what I want to use the bot for, so I settled on Puns for now. What they do to an Ancile, even at almost 500yds, is beneficial if your team can take advantage of it and attack whatever it is you are de-shielding. And paired with the Zeus, they will make short work of most things.
So, OP, if you already have the weapons for it, and have both bots, try them both for about 5 games. Remember, the Pun and the Thunder, both, suck at 300m on out. Thunder really doesn't shine till about 150m. If you get close... those weapon combos will tear stuff up, no matter the bot. IF you don't have the bots and are trying to decide which to buy... I would say the Leo has more versatility and will be used more as a brawler with the various setups that are "known good" for it. And the extra HP and Speed is nice, so I would prolly choose it. However... I have both bots, and have chosen the Natty, at the moment. 2 Heavy Weapons are better than 1 many times. If you end up going for that Thun/Pun setup even after all the advice... then make sure you are not going into situations by yourself, if at all possible. Shadow another bot and be the shotgun of the team... If you saunter into the fray by yourself, you will likely end up dead before you get close enough to take advantage of those weapons' super effective close range game.
But, yes, a DB Griff will most likely get you more dmg. A thunder Carny will too. But if you can't field those bots and weapon setups yet, it doesn't hurt to look for alternatives, but only if you are willing to take a risk that it won't work for you. I'd hate for you to just barely have enough resources to get something, then you get a Natty and try it, and end up flipping the table in rage! So, if on a limited budget, take heed of the advice given... Leo Thun/Pinata is a "known good" that will see life a long way up the leagues. Natty becomes a Fury alternative for most people, stuck to midrange. It just isn't the best brawler.
Now, if it had Leo's HP... then we'd be talking a different game.
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Post by ryel on Feb 28, 2017 11:24:27 GMT -5
I was in your place 2 weeks ago. My experience for starting the game:
---------Setups you should try as beginner (before you spend gold/wsp)--------- Use 2-3 brawler and 1 Midrange support and 0-1 Long range or Beacon runner Do not mix weapon ranges. For example Zenith/Nashorn-Spiral-Pin/Pinata-Thunder Natasha is bad for long range bad for medium range and bad for close range. Do not mix burst(rockets) and constant damage (machine guns, plasma) weapons. They require different play style. There are exceptions for this rule.
1) Brawlers
a) Leo - Thunder-3x Pinata Leo is a very tought bot with decent firepower. Release the pinatas for initial burst below 300m then close up the wounded enemy because thunder has effective range of 200m, also mention thunder reload while you shoot but its reload time slower than the fire rate so do not try to shoot at 500 m except you fight energy shield. Leo is too slow for punishers (effective range 200 m)
b) Griffin - Punishers The fire power of 6 punisher (2 light 2 medium) is not the best but it works if you can ambush an enemy. This is where the jump comes in.
c) Boa - Thunder - Punisher Suboptimal firepower however Boa is a good beginner medium bot. It has lot of health acceptable speed and it teach you how to use cover and it can corner shooting.
2) Mid range support
a) Griffin - 2xPin-2xTulumbas Excellent mid range bot. You need to learn how you can target with the rockets and how to use your jump defensively or offensively (be aware in the air all damage taken is much higher). The effective range is 500m your vertical jump is 150 m so try to keep distance and use your firepower to support your close range team mates in their 1v1 fights.
b) Griffin/Patton - Molots Molot is a suboptimal weapon but as beginner it could work. It has 500m effective range so if you can keep at least 300m you could beat any silver only knife fighter, however the rocket griffin is better support bot.
c) Patton - Spirals It is not as good but worthy to teach you how to use homing missiles. Spirals has low damage but the range is 600 m and they can hit bots behind cover. If you have problems using Pins, Tulumbases or Pinatas give it a try, you can learn how to disengage from enemy and using cover while your rockets reloading. You need to switch on the target selection feature in the options to use spirals effectively.
3)Beacon runner
a) Cossack - Tulumbas/Molot/Ecu The best silver beacon runner. Cossack do not have chance in close combat so the 500m range is more optimal to provide some support fire when needed. Use the covers and speed to avoid combat, and try to target undefended beacons to lure out the enemy from the frontline. If you cannot find more beacon to conquer then eject to another bot.
b) Schutze - Thunder Slower then Cossack but the Thunder give some firepower to ambush enemy or kill enemy Cossacks.
4) Long range a) Natasha - 2xNashorn - 2x Spiral Nashorn can fire 1100m and has better dpm then king dae (lower damage but much faster reload time). Spiral has the longest effective range in light silver only slot and you can target covered enemies. If you play long range always take the home beacons to let your team mates rush for the frontline beacons. Before each shot try to priorize targets (beacon runners, bots targeting team mates). Long range is disasterly bad in mid game if you are behind in beacons so eject to another bot. Playing sniper is hard and they only have advantage on large open maps.
b) Natasha - 2xZenith - 2x Noricum Do not even think about it. Artilerry in the most cases is handicap for your team.
---------Gold puchases--------- Check the wiki for guide. Summary: 1) 4th slot 2-3) 5th slot or 1-2 Orkan order is depends on your preference 4) Your preference
If you have 1 orkan you can use it on a Thunder-Orkan Boa or on a cossack If you have 2 orkan you can use Griffin with 2xPinata 2xOrkan for awesome close range burst. (Calling Death Button Griffin)
---------Workshop purchases--------- Wsp come easier then gold if you are patient. Start with weapons first.
If you have 1 taran you can use it on a Thunder-Taran Boa what significally improve the bot. Taran has 350 range high damage and fast reload time. If you have 2 taran and 2 magnum you can use Plasma Griffin what is one of the best bot for bronze and silver tier.
Do not worry about spending silver for bots weapons in the beginning you earn much more then you spend for upgrades so try out different setups to find your playstyle.
Post by copilotjesus on Feb 28, 2017 16:24:01 GMT -5
In general I typically prefer the gorilla style tactics that utilize burst weapons, but I find that some builds need to be geared for DOT strategies. Some maps are more open in general, and offer less cover. The slower, tanky, bots can often get caught in the open, and DOT weapons are strongerin those situations.
I've got 2 accounts.
Griffon - 2x Magnum, Taran, Punisher2 Griffon - 2x Pinata, 2x Punisher2 Natasha - Magnum, Punisher, Ancile, Thunder Leo - 3x Punisher, Thunder
Saving gold for 5th slot, workshop for second Taran for Grif.
Gepard - 2x Pinata, Magnum Griffon - Molot, Punisher, 2x Punisher2 Leo - 2x Pinata, Punisher, Thunder Natasha - 2x Punisher, 2x Thunder
Saving gold for 5th slot, workshop for Magnum to replace Molot on Grif.
Most weapons and bots are levels 5-6, with a few (mostly Punishers) still lingering at 4. I want to bring them all up to at least level 6 before I start focusing on leveling up specific builds.
Post by snk on Mar 2, 2017 5:56:19 GMT -5
I had a Nat with 2 thunders and 2 Magnum. If you can get within 100m, you can basically kill everything except shield bot (Gary can be killed too if he keep fighting you within 100m) I had fun with this Nat, but not anymore. Once my rating goes up and face more experience player, no one without shields will fight me in that range. Because Nat is so slow, you hardly able to fight anyone within even 300m.
This setup is one of the most dps in this game, but only if you can fight other bots within 100m or 150m
Post by ou812gr8m8 on Mar 2, 2017 6:00:25 GMT -5
Voting for Leo... a brick with many guns.
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Post by ronin on Mar 2, 2017 6:57:15 GMT -5
In high levels Natasha, but for medium range like this video shows:
Leo is more usefull bit earlier in the game (lvl 6-7 or even 8 bots) and close range:
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Post by leo on May 14, 2017 9:27:31 GMT -5
i will advice leo and the deadly combination for it is thunder and magnums/gekkos iy has speed and it is strong In case of natasha it is damn slow and delicate best thing for it is to stay and use zenit and noricum bit if enemy catches then natty is gone in case punisher or magnum or thunder too natty can gett killed easily as it is slow and it can't take cover or hide Most of the time we ca observe that in natty v/s leo battle on the field , mostly leo wins
Post by 0ppressor on May 14, 2017 9:37:36 GMT -5
Looking for high gold or diamond players to squad and to join our clan
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Post by captviral922 on May 14, 2017 12:54:59 GMT -5
LEO - Close range melee NAT: Long range weapons
Post by fιяєfℓαмє on May 16, 2017 7:26:17 GMT -5
Leo but i will run Leo with thunder/magnums or thunder/pinatas or trident/pins.
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Post by page8988 on May 16, 2017 8:05:50 GMT -5
I've been using a Natasha with two Thunders and two Punishers lately, all level 5, with good results. My Leo has a Thunder, two Pinatas, and a Punisher, also all 5s. I normally have both, lead with Natasha and advance with allies, and switch to Leo after Natasha is destroyed, even if not immediately after.
Natasha is softer and slower, but the higher firepower is helpful when you can get the thing there. If you get the jump on pretty much anything with dual Thunders and dual Pinatas, you'll probably destroy it one on one. When you have allies, the longer they draw fire the better.
Leo has less firepower, but some more speed and much more durability.
In short, they're comparable.
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Post by 89sekhmet89 on May 16, 2017 14:21:24 GMT -5
Looking for a concensus on whether people prefer Leo or Natasha for players with an undeveloped hangar. I'm specifically looing at Thunder/Punisher loadouts. Leo: 1x Thunder, 3x Punisher Natasha: 2x Thunder, 2x Punisher Which is better? I used both when starting and I think I bought the Natty first. However, I would recommend you go with a Leo outfitted with a thunder plus 3 publishers. The HP difference between the two bots is definitely noticeable. However, I would get a Natasha next and try her out as well. Just as the extra HP is noticeable, switching a punisher or even a pinata for a thunder makes a huge difference. If she doesn't work out that way, I used a Natty equipped with nashorns (much faster reload than kang dae so more damage over time) to great effect. I also had gekkos, but they cost gold, so you could go with molots or even spirals instead. So I guess in the end, neither will make or break you from my perspective. It just depends on how quickly you can buy another bot and if you can afford to deal damage at a slower rate in exchange for higher hp and more mobility. I will say that I don't use Natasha setups very often anymore in Silver II, but a Leo (sometimes even two) is still part of my hangar (thunder/aphids).
Post by gr3ygh05t on May 16, 2017 15:08:41 GMT -5
To answer your question straight the Leo is better. If you are getting melted by a Nat try a standoff distance of 250-300. You will be surprised on how fast that Nat will evaporate. In any case mid range and long range the Nat is better (Tridents and Pins). The Leo is better as a knifer because of all the HP.
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Pilot name: =Rogue-13=
Post by =Rogue-13= on May 17, 2017 5:06:45 GMT -5
Looking for a concensus on whether people prefer Leo or Natasha for players with an undeveloped hangar. I'm specifically looing at Thunder/Punisher loadouts. Leo: 1x Thunder, 3x Punisher Natasha: 2x Thunder, 2x Punisher Which is better? I've never once thought... ooh no there is a Natasha... i often have have to take a breathe to take on a Leo...
Post by SuperHero on May 17, 2017 5:11:49 GMT -5
Would this be considered a necropost?
I actually don't like either and would actually suggest a Griffin instead.
But if you really had to choose, it would depend on what you wanted to use it for.
Brawler: Leo Mid-range or sniper: Natasha
NOTE: this is based on no WSP and the original topic of silver bots.